
Development tasks are commands you use on the command line to start development.

Once you setup a project and get familiar with the project structure, it's time to start development. To do so, use the following tasks on your command line.

npm run dev

This is a basic command to work with Chisel. It starts a development server with your project at localhost:3000 and opens the address in your browser.

The command then starts a task that watches for changes in your source files. This is what happens if you make changes in the following files:

  • Twig templates are compiled to PHP on WordPress project or to HTML on front-end projects and the browser reloads the page
  • Content files are compiled to HTML using Twig templates, see Static Content for more details.
  • PHP files - browser reloads the page
  • SCSS files are compiled to CSS and the browser injects new CSS to the page
  • JavaScript files are transpiled with Babel and the browser reloads the page

During development unminified version of files are linked in pages.

Browsersync configuration (WordPress only)

If you'd like to change the Browsersync configuration, you can do so in chisel.config.js, for example here we've changed notifications and browser opening:

  hooks: {
    wordPress: {
      browserSyncConfig(config) {
        // Stop the browser from automatically opening
        config.open = false;
        // Don't show any notifications in the browser
        config.notify = false;

See Hooks documentation for more information.

Proxy on WordPress projects

Browsersync proxies to your WordPress instance running at project-name.test (or other address configured during project creation), it means that when you look at the project at localhost:3000, it loads the project from project-name.test.

You can configure the url in chisel.config.js by changing url in wp variable.

// ...
const wp = {
  // ...
  url: 'https://some-target:8888/',
// ...

If you don't want to commit your url to repository, you can also create chisel.config.local.js file with similar content:

module.exports = {
  wp: {
    url: 'https://some-target:8888/',

npm run build

This command lints (validates compliance with good practices) JS and SCCS files and then creates production-ready files in the dist folder.

Generated JS and CSS files are minified and JS, CSS, and assets are revisioned. Revisioning files mean that a content hash is append to the filename so it looks like this main.6a889b04.css. This way you can set up content caching in the far future.

In WordPress projects depending on where you are looking at your project, a different version of styles and scripts are used in WordPress projects:

  • localhost:3000 - unminified CSS
  • project-name.test - revisioned and minified CSS and JS files

npm run build-report

This is a special variant of build that additionally generated three files (report-analyzer.html, report-source-map-scripts.html, and report-source-map-styles.html). that give you more insides into the size of generated files.

The first one is generated with Webpack Bundle Analyzer and the other two are generated with source-map-explorer. On the one hand, WBA is working only with JS, on the other hand, it provides more insides and more options when analyzing JS size. Because of that, we decided to include both solutions.

npm run add-page

See Pages.