Chisel aims to offer great performance out-of-box. The rest is up to you.
JavaScript bundle is minified and deferred.
The file name is revisioned. A content hash is appended to the filename (eg. app.7ea16125.js
) so you can set up content caching in the far future.
CSS styles are concatenated to one file and minified.
The file name is revisioned. A content hash is appended to the filename (eg. main.6a889b04.css
) so you can set up content caching in the far future.
- jQuery is not included by default
- Disable Emojis plugin is installed
- static resources (CSS, JS, images) are served with far-future expires headers to leverage browser caching
- we recommend using WordPress hosting which uses a proxy cache (eg. Pantheon) or a cache plugin which generates static HTML files like WP Rocket