

The paths used by Chisel by default are presented below, all can be updated in the configuration. All paths except for base are relative to base. base is relative to project root (current working directory is considered project root when running commands).

  source: {
    base: 'src',
    scripts: 'scripts',
    styles: 'styles',
    assets: 'assets',
    templates: 'templates', // Static only
    content: '../content', // Static only
    public: '../public', // Static only
  output: {
    base: 'dist',
    scripts: 'scripts',
    styles: 'styles',
    assets: 'assets',

Shared (available in both WordPress and Static projects)


boolean = false

Enables react support. When enabled it makes changes necessary to enable JSX processing (Babel), hot reload during development (Babel, webpack), and changes default eslint configuration to support and check react components.

Before enabling you should:

  1. Install necessary dependencies (npm install react-hot-loader @hot-loader/react-dom)
  2. Mark your root component as hot-exported as described in react-hot-loader documentation


(string|function)[] = []

List of Chisel plugins to be loaded. This is an array that may contain strings that are passed to require() so module names or paths to JS files (please use require.resolve to ensure the path is properly resolved) or functions that are treated as plugins.


Array<string | RegExp> = []

By default babel-loader ignores all files inside node_modules. If you want to explicitly transpile a dependency with Babel, you can list it in this option.


object | function

If the value is an Object, it will be merged into the final config using webpack-merge.

If the value is a function, it will receive the resolved config as the argument. The function can either mutate the config and return nothing, OR return a cloned or merged version of the config.

See also: Working with Webpack > Simple Configuration in Vue CLI documentation.


A function that will receive an instance of ChainableConfig powered by webpack-chain. Allows for more fine-grained modification of the internal webpack config.

See also: Working with Webpack > Chaining in Vue CLI documentation.


Hooks are an advanced feature allowing you to influence Chisel behavior in ways not possible with configuration options. See Hooks for details.

WordPress Websites


string = 'wp'

Name of the directory containing WordPress files. Some situations like serving website from a subdirectory on Pantheon may require a different directory name. Please note that additionally you should adjust various ignore files (like .eslintignore) and WP CLI config (wp-cli.yml). Additionally please note that using non-default value has not been well tested.


required, string

Name of the directory with your theme, default us [project-slug]-chisel.


URL when WordPress is reachable, this is used as a proxy target during development, default is https://[project-slug].test.

Static Websites


boolean = false

When enabled development server will serve the dist directory, meaning that url for the page generated from the src/templates/hello.twig template will be https://localhost:3000/hello.html instead of https://localhost:3000/dist/hello.html.

This is set to true when Serve dist directory in dev / don't generate pages index option was selected during project creation.


boolean = false

When enabled:

  • When using content and postLink functions return links without HTML extensions.
  • During development development server assumes that all URLs without extension are HTML files, for example /hello url will look for /hello.html file.

This is set to true when Don't include html extension in links (posts API) & support them in dev option was selected during project creation.


string = 'prettify': 'prettify' | 'minify' | 'as-is'

Decide how generated HTML should be formatted. This is applied only during the build, not development.

  • prettify (default) - generated is nicely formatted, this is useful when generated files may be manually modified later.
  • minify - generated HTML is minified, good to use when the site is automatically deployed.
  • as-is - no additional formatting is done, HTML generated during Twig processing is used.


boolean = true

You can enable or disable HTML Hint validation here. Note that HTML Hint validation is run on generated html files during development/build, not on the source files.


{ [function name]: (functionContext, ...args) => any } = {}

The object containing functions that will be available in Twig templates.

  • Functions can be async.
  • Functions receive functionContext object as first argument followed by arguments that were passed to the function. functionContext object contains two properties context that contains Twig Context (variables available inside Twig templates) and functions object that contains Chisel builtin functions that are available in Twig templates. context may contain post object when using content directory. See the config file for this documentation to see an example of a custom function chisel.config.js.